What exactly do you do?
We press comics that exhibit pressable defects such as bends, curls, non-color break creases, dents or impressions, spine rolls, warping, rippling caused from moisture damage. This can result in grade improvements in your books, thus increasing their value.

Dry Cleaning:
Some books may not have pressable defects but maybe has a dirty area, pencil mark, etc that can be removed.

Press Prescreen:
If a book does not look like it will benefit from a press, then we will notify you and advise you of the situation. If you wish to continue, we will. If not, then we will not work on that book and you will not be charged.

Grading Submission:
We can submit your books to CBCS or CGC. This eliminates a shipping steps and gets the book back to you quicker. This is good for a book that’s gotten hot and you want to get it pressed and then graded quickly. Ask us for details.

Is there a minimum number of books I have to send?
No, one, five, ten or more, send what you want. We have no minimum number. All we ask is you notify us a package is coming and send us the tracking number. We monitor it until it is in our box and we track it all the way back to you as well.

What are your turn around times?
Current Turn Around Time is 21 full business days (M-F, not including holidays) after receipt. Larger orders (25+) may extend the TAT, depending on orders ahead and prior obligations.
*VIP ($20 per book) bumps your order to the front of the list.

What social media do you use? Are you on IG? Are you on Twitter? etc
Twitter @ComicPressing
Facebook @MrComicPress
Instagram Comic_Pressing

Will you press a book that is already graded?
Yes, we will remove a book from a slab and press it.
There is no fee for removing a book from a slab.