Murderous Gangsters 1 (1951) Had to be very careful, book has a 33% spine split. Affected some of the work we could do on the book. Was able to smooth out the cover, lessen the hard circular indentions. Pretty good results considering the precaution taken on the spine.
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Category: Before and After
Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man 64 B/A
Recentered the spine
Flattened the bottom that was flared up
Smoothed the back cover of ripples, indents

Amazing Spider-Man 101: Before and After cleaning back cover pass #1
Some of the great books I got to work on in March
Carded figures B/A
Couple of carded figures we pressed
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Night Rider 1 (2 copies) B&A
Copy 1 was able to clean the logo of stains, remove crease from front cover, indentions from back cover
Copy 2 was able to remove an indentions from length of cover, indentions to from and back cover.
#comicpressing #comicbookpressing
Amazing Spider-Man 125 B&A
Removed some indentions from the cover and a wrinkle from top edge.
Was able to clean up the back.
#comicpressing #comicbookpressing
Fear 20 Before and After
Able to remove some indentions, line from top to bottom near spine, wrinkles from back cover
#comicpressing #comicbookpressing
X-Men 94 CPR
9.0 to 9.2
We hoped for a 9.4. Customer was happy with a bump.
Amazing Spider-Man 363 B/A
Cover was covered in wrinkles, indents. Was able to remove the indents and smooth out the cover
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#comicpressing #mrcomicpress #asm363
#amazingspiderman363 #carnage #venom #venomandcarnage