Just a heads up in this change from DC regarding Batman 92.
If you want a 9.8 copy let us know.

Just a heads up in this change from DC regarding Batman 92.
If you want a 9.8 copy let us know.
Slow week. This is the hottest book being asked for right now. Hell Arisen 3, 1st full appearance Punch Line. See the leaked pages for the hype.
#98subservice #gradedcomics #cgccomics #cbcscomics #mrcomicpress
#joker #punchline #1stappearance #1stapp #1stapperance #hellarisen #hellarisen3
X-Men 266
Spine roll was knocked out.
#xmen266 #uncannyxmen266 #gambit #1stgambit
#comicpressing #comicpressingresults #comicpress
#comicbookpressing #comicbookpressingresults
#pressingcomics #mrcomicpress
If you are interested in having a book pressed, let us know.
Amazing Spider-man 129
Smoothed put some defects
#asm129 #amazingspiderman129 #punisher #1stpunisher #1stpunisherappearance #comicpressing #comicpressingresults #comicpress #comicbookpressing #comicbookpressingresults #pressingcomics
If you are interested in having a book pressed, let us know.
Top 9.8 requests for 2/19/2020
It’s not even close really. Batman 89 is the winner this week.
#batman #batmancomics #batman89 #punchline #1stappearance #1stapp #wolverine #wolverine1 #wolverine1variant #mrcomicpress #newcomics #98subscriptionservice
X-Men 6 Mark Brooks 40th Anniversary Cover C Dark Phoenix 2. Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #6 Mark Brooks Cover B Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #6 Mark Brooks Cover C 3. Marvel Action Spider-Man #1 Sanford Greene 1:10 Incentive 4. Star Wars Rise of Kylo Ren #3 Stefano Landini 1:25 Incentive
#darkphoenix #xmen6 #harleyquinn #poisonivy #harleyquinn&poisonivy #spidergwen #marvelaction #marvelactionspiderman1 #kyloren #starwars #mrcomicpress #98subscriptionservice
Already the runaway favorites this week.
Dark Agnes #1 Alan Davis 1:25 Incentive variant
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (2nd Print) Green Ranger Helmet 1:10 Incentive
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 (2nd Print) 1 per Store Thank You Variant (White Ranger helmet)
#darkagnes #alandavisvariant #tmntpowerrangers #tmntvariants #98subservice #cgccomics #cbcscomics #gradedcomics #slabbedcomics #9point8 #mrcomicpress